호드리고 '미노타우로' 노게이라 Antonio Rodrigo Minotauro
브라질 최고의 MMA선수
전 프라이드 챔피온
전 UFC 챔피온
"위대한 마스터 헬리오는 수많은 사람들에게 주짓수를 가르쳤습니다. 그는 주짓수 테크닉을 예술적으로 발전 시키는데 헌신했고 수많은 후손들에게 긴시간에 걸쳐 이를 전해주었습니다. 리오데자네이루인들은 마스터에게 훈련받을 기회가 있었으며 한 무술의 창시자가 어딘가에 아직 살아있었다는것은 분명 주짓수가 세계에서 유일하였을것입니다. 그는 가장 실전적이고 효과적인 무술을 세계의 역사로 남겼습니다. 우리의 주짓수 창시자는 떠났습니다. 이제 그가 남긴 주짓수라는 이름의 존경과 명예라는 유산을 잘 계승하는것은 우리들에게 달렸습니다!"
싼데 히베이로 Xande Ribeiro
현역 최강의 주짓수 선수들 중 한명
문지알 챔피온 2004,2006,2007,2008
아부다비 챔피온 2007
중요함이라고 생각하는 바 입니다."
데미안 마이아 Demian Maia
현 UFC 선수
5x campion of world in jiu jitsu
번역상 의역과 오역이 난무하오니 양해바랍니다.(- -)(_ _);;;
“He was the precursor for Jiu-Jitsu in the world with techniques he created. He was a great example as an athlete, always warned of the importance of proper eating, maintaining a proper diet. I met the master twice while in Japan and he always paid attention and was friendly to me. I will miss the master a lot, I’ll miss his intelligent remarks. This truly was a great loss. Not just for Jiu-Jitsu, but also for MMA. He’s a very dear person to us. It’s a blessing for someone to be able to make it to the age he did and still teach seminars, classes, put on the gi and teach. He was always very active. That is the image I will always have of him” – Rodrigo Minotauro.
“Master Helio taught a lot of people Jiu-Jitsu, he was devoted to the evolution of the technical part of the art and brought up a lot of people throughout the years, generations and generations in society. Carioca society had the opportunity to receive training from the professor and surely Jiu-Jitsu is the only martial art in the world where the creator was still alive. He left history for the world, as his is considered the most effective martial art that exists. Our creator has left us. Now it is up to us, athletes, to carry on his legacy, the honor and respect in Jiu-Jitsu’s name” – Xande Ribeiro
“All Brazilian fighters, of Jiu-Jitsu and MMA owe a great deal to him and his brother, Carlos Gracie for having stuck their necks out and developed a martial art that represents Brazil the world over. Everyone comes here to practice Jiu-Jitsu because of what they developed. And this is an originally Brazilian martial art, they took one thing and developed something else totally new. I think they are of fundamental importance, not just for sport but Brazilian culture” – Demian Maia.
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